Monday, July 14

Sweet Home Beijing

It's five in the morning on Monday EDT, and five in the evening here on Monday. But the computer thinks it's still in New York, so I can clearly see (we'd lost all track) that our journey took thirty nine hours from when Ethan dropped us off at the Monroe County "International" Airport. But, now we're safely ensconced in the Hotel Ruicheng in the district of Haidian, in the capital of the People's Republic of China.

Pinch me. When we touched down this morning twelve hours after leaving Vancouver, and they said, "Welcome to Hong Kong," Micky and I giggled. But, as she mentioned, much of the journey wasn't all that funny. Sitting in one of the last rows of a Jumbo Jet trapped like spam in a can was the modern equivalent of sailing to NY in steerage. Something to endure rather than savor. And the last 2.5 hours to Beijing, while a perfectly acceptable flight, in our condition was low-grade torture. Neither of us had a good nights sleep in the days before leaving, especially Saturday, and nothing like real sleep was possible during the trip.

So we're running on fumes and fuming at every little thing. It will be good to get actual sleep tonight, even a few hours. Tomorrow, we see the Square, the City, and the Temple, go shopping, and lunch at the Wa Ha Ha (can't wait for that!). In a few hours from now, we get with the rest of the people, who should all have arrived by now, for the Famous Duck. No, not Daffy. Hope not, anyway.

Stay tuned - we'll stop complaining and share some impressions of this surprising city. (Post times are now in local time.)

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